Toolbox of Software Developer Tricks, etc.
Useful little things are easy to lose
GitLab: Clone all repos from a groupโ
Install the glab
cli tool first. glab repo clone --group MyGroup --archived=false --preserve-namespace --paginate
Docker: "bash" into a docker containerโ
I often need to inspect docker images. The following is the command to do this and a break down of the options.
docker run -it --rm IMAGE_NAME /bin/bash
-i, --interactive Keep STDIN open even if not attached -t, --tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY --rm Automatically remove the container when it exits
GitLab CI: Split long commands... there's a bugโ
At time of writing (29 Nov 2022) GitLab CI has an embarrassing bug. Certain script failures are not reported. Failures in script files are also not reported unless it's the last command in the script.
If multiple commands are combined into one command string, only the last commandโs failure or success is reported. Failures from earlier commands are ignored due to a bug. To work around this, run each command as a separate script item, or add an exit 1 command to each command string.
JavaScript thread sleepโ
async function sleep(ms) {
await new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
Ruby Gems: execute specific version from several installedโ
Multiple versions of a Ruby Gem can be installed for use from the command line. For example to see which versions of bundler you have
gem list bundler
To use the version you want put the version number between underscores right after the gem command line name (note this may be different than the gem name).
bundle _2.3.4_ install
Node: get package.json versionโ
$ node -p "require('./package.json').version"
Git: Step through commits on a branchโ
Walk through commits on a branch by jumping back a number of commits from the branch head.
git checkout <branch-name>~<number>
git checkout spam_and_eggs~5
git checkout spam_and_eggs~6
Git SSH for multiple remote serversโ
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/personal_github
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work_github
macOS: Always show hidden filesโ
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
Git debug ignore and excludesโ
git check-ignore -v <FILE_NAME>
K8S: How to print Opaque Secretsโ
kubectl get secret <SECRET_NAME> -o jsonpath="{.data.<DATA>}" | base64 --decode
GitHub: Find repos you own in an Organizationโ
It is impossible on the GitHub website to see a list of repos in an Organization that you own.
Here is a GraphQL query (with query variables) that gets you pretty close. You still have to manually filter repos forked from an Organization repo. The login
values in the response can help select the org you care about. You can run the query on Don't forget to sign in.
query pagination($first: Int!, $after: String = null) {
viewer {
repositories(first: $first, after: $after, affiliations: [ORGANIZATION_MEMBER]) {
nodes {
name, url
owner { login }
pageInfo {
startCursor, endCursor
hasPreviousPage, hasNextPage
Here is the REST api version:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \